Saturday, May 18, 2013

In the second Adam the first is rescued.

I have lately been very silent on this blog, partly because of busyness and travel, but also because of a certain kind of writer's block. I do have a few posts in mind for the coming week, which I hope will compensate somewhat for my long silence. In the meantime, as Easter gives way to Pentecost on the Gregorian Calendar, here is an apposite paragraph that caught my eye this morning in a book that I've been reading, Oliver O'Donovan's Resurrection and Moral Order:
The meaning of the resurrection, as Saint Paul presents it, is that it is God's final and decisive word on the life of his creature, Adam. It is, in the first place, God's reversal of Adam's choice of sin and death: 'As in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive' (1 Cor. 15:22). In the second place, and precisely because it is a reversal of Adam's decision to die, the resurrection of Christ is a new affirmation of God's first decision that Adam should live, an affirmation that goes beyond and transforms the initial gift of life: 'The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam became a life-giving spirit' (15:45). The work of the Creator who made Adam, who brought into being an order of things in which humanity has a place, is affirmed once and for all by this conclusion. It might have been possible, we could say, before Christ rose from the dead, for someone to wonder whether creation was a lost cause. If the creature consistently acted to uncreate itself, and with itself to uncreate the rest of creation, did this not mean that God's handiwork was flawed beyond hope of repair? It might have been possible before Christ rose from the dead to answer in good faith, Yes. Before God raised Jesus from the dead, the hope that we call 'gnostic,' the hope for redemption from creation rather than for the redemption of creation, might have appeared to be the only possible hope. 'But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead . . .' (15:20). That fact rules out those other possibilities, for in the second Adam the first is rescued. The deviance of his will, its fateful leaning towards death, has not been allowed to uncreate what God created.
For more along these lines, you may want to pick up Resurrection and Moral Order. For more from me, check back on Monday, when I will hopefully have more to say. AMDG.


At 5/18/2013 8:53 PM, Blogger Lynda said...

The icon is magnificent and the article on the resurrection gives us food for thought. It is interesting to ponder the resurrection on the Feast of Pentecost because the resurrection is central to everything in our faith. You were missed but I'm looking forward to the posts that you have in mind.


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