Friday, November 22, 2013


Today is fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, which seems an apt occasion to share these images of the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza in Dallas, which I visited when I was in Texas last year. Dedicated on June 24, 1970, Dallas' monument to the president who was slain there is the work of American architect Philip Johnson, who had this to say about the project:
The cenotaph, which means empty tomb, is an empty room where anyone can walk in and be separated from life around. You can look up and see the sky, look down and see the plaque - and most important meditate in solitude.

This cenotaph in honor of President Kennedy I conceive as a place of quiet refuge, an enclosed place of thought and contemplation, separated from the city around, but near the sky and earth. To commemorate the man John Fitzgerald Kennedy there is, within, only a stone marker and the engraved name.
My prayers today are for the repose of President Kennedy's soul and for all who have been affected by an event that has cast a long shadow on the history of the United States and the world. AMDG.


At 11/22/2013 9:49 PM, Blogger Lynda said...

The world was robbed of a great man fifty years ago. I wonder what would be different today had he lived to share his vision and fulfill his dream of a more equitable society.


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