Friday, September 14, 2012

Notes on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross.

I have come to think of today's Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross as the patronal feast of this blog, so I usually post something on this date in observance of the feast. The above photo is one that I took last summer in the abbey church at Stift Heiligenkreuz, a twelfth-century Cistercian monastery outside of Vienna that takes its very name from the Holy Cross.

For your reflection today, here are some paragraphs from a sermon on today's feast by Saint Andrew of Crete:
We are celebrating the feast of the cross which drove away darkness and brought in the light. As we keep this feast, we are lifted up with the crucified Christ, leaving behind us earth and sin so that we may gain the things above. So great and outstanding a possession is the cross that he who wins it has won a treasure. Rightly could I call this treasure the fairest of all fair things and the costliest, in fact as well as in name, for on it and through it and for its sake the riches of salvation that had been lost were restored to us.

Had there been no cross, Christ could not have been crucified. Had there been no cross, life itself could not have been nailed to the tree. And if life had not been nailed to it, there would be no streams of immortality pouring from Christ’s side, blood and water for the world’s cleansing. The legal bond of our sin would not be cancelled, we should not have attained our freedom, we should not have enjoyed the fruit of the tree of life and the gates of paradise would not stand open. Had there been no cross, death would not have been trodden underfoot, nor hell despoiled.

Therefore, the cross is something wonderfully great and honorable. It is great because through the cross the many noble acts of Christ found their consummation – very many indeed, for both his miracles and his sufferings were fully rewarded with victory. The cross is honorable because it is both the sign of God’s suffering and the trophy of his victory. It stands for his suffering because on it he freely suffered unto death. But it is also his trophy because it was the means by which the devil was wounded and death conquered; the barred gates of hell were smashed, and the cross became the one common salvation of the whole world.
Before thy Cross, we bow down in worship, O Master, and thy holy Resurrection we glorify. AMDG.


At 9/26/2012 10:20 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

This feast is often on my mind, in great part I suspect because the Augustinian celebration of the office ends with

"We worship you, Lord; we venerate your cross; we praise your resurrection."

"Through the cross you brought joy to the world."

I hope Toronto and the studies are joyous explorations both.


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