Saturday, April 23, 2011

Holy Fire.

Each year on (Julian Calendar) Holy Saturday, tens of thousands of Orthodox Christians gather at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre for the ceremony of the Holy Fire. Captured above in Greek news footage shot just hours ago, the ceremony of the Holy Fire has been attested in written accounts going back to the fourth century and has occurred annually for at least nine hundred years. The amateur video presented above offers a view of this year's event, with the Holy Fire making its appearance at the one-minute mark. Watching from above, one can better see how the Holy Fire gradually makes its way through the excited crowd surrounding Christ's Tomb.

Here is one more 'pilgrim's eye view' video of the Holy Fire - this one from 2009. As I've written here before, I hope to someday attend the ceremony of the Holy Fire in person. In the meantime, though, my prayers today are with those who celebrate Christ's presence among us by sharing the holy light at his tomb. AMDG.


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